What does homeowners insurance cover?

What does homeowners insurance cover?

  1. Property: protection for your home and its contents.

  2. Liability: financial protection against costly claims and lawsuits.

  3. Loss of use if you are displaced from your home due to a covered claim such as a fire.

From there, your agent can recommend additional coverages. according to your particular situation.

Most first-time home buyers are not aware that there are several coverages called endorsements that do not come standard on most homeowner insurance policies and must be added by your agent. Here are a few that State Farm offers and that we discuss with all our homeowners when they are purchasing a policy.

*Optional coverages for enhanced protection.

  1. Home Systems Protection Provides added protection for the permanently installed heating, cooling, and other equipment that make your house a happy, comfortable home.

  2. Service Line Coverage From hard frosts to major landscaping, this can cover the cost of repairing damaged underground utility lines.

  3. Cyber Event, Identity Restoration, and Fraud Loss Coverage This offers coverage for specific expenses caused by a cyber loss event or identity fraud, plus up to 12 months of case management service to help counteract the effects of identity fraud.


These are just a few of many optional endorsements a homeowner can add to their home policy, this is why it is important to have a local agent that acts as a trusted adviser that will always be there when you need them.


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