Compensation Offers

Notice: Real estate commission rates are not fixed by law or established by any membership organization with which Broker is affiliated.  Each real estate brokerage independently sets their own commission rates. Commission rates are negotiable between the Seller and the Broker.

Our Listings:

4426 Teen Barnes Road, Jefferson, MD 21755

Seller’s Cooperative Compensation: Yes, Click Here

2613 Caulfield Court, Frederick, MD 21701

Seller’s Cooperative Comensation: Yes, Click Here

14417 Ridenour Rd., Smithsburg, MD 21783

Seller’s Cooperative Compensation: Yes, Click Here

11854 Arcari Drive, Bristow, VA 20136

Seller’s Cooperative Compensation: Yes

1438 Trafalgar Lane, Frederick, MD 21701

Seller’s Cooperative Compensation: Yes, Click Here

4328 Dover Dr., Frederick, MD 21703

Seller’s Cooperative Compensation: Yes

4733 Jefferson Pike, Frederick, MD 21755

Seller’s Cooperative Compensation: Yes, Click Here

3541 Sprigg Street, Frederick, MD 21704

Seller’s Cooperative Compensation: Yes, Click Here

For Rent :